Marina’s Book was Featured in Healthline as one of the 11 Best Weight Loss Books!

October 13, 2022

Written By Marina Savelyeva, RDN

marina dietitian los angeles featured in healthline magazine media press

Marina’s book, The Plant-Based Weight Loss Solution: A 28-Day Plan and Cookbook to Lose Weight the Healthy Way was featured as of the 11 best weight loss books in Healthline magazine by Ellen Landes, on October 13, 2022

The article mentions these choices were based on a few factors at Healthline:

  • written by an expert in their field
  • realistic approach
  • most positive customer reviews and
  • vetted according to Healthline’s standards and brand integrity.

Marina’s was listed as, “The best plant-based diet book”

The article mentions that,

“Not only are the recipes vegan and whole food-based, but they also focus on flavoring foods with spices and herbs rather than large amounts of salt and sugar.

Additionally, the book includes a portion control guide that uses the size of your hand to help you estimate appropriate serving sizes.

Positive reviews mention that the recipes and meal plan are useful and simple to follow. Readers also appreciate that the meal plan includes tips for incorporating leftovers.”

Read the full article here: